Failing to Succeed

My mother was on her deathbed in 1954 (before I was born), and received the last rites. That she is still alive, and still living independently, is an inspiration to me, and a testament to the power of persistence. A great man once told me that his biggest successes came about because of his “sheer … Read more

The Disney World of Good vs. Evil

One of the traditional purposes of culture is to educate. Before books were common, the spoken word was the essential tool for teaching. Stories are memorable, and so telling stories was an effective way to pass on life lessons, particularly moral lessons. But in recent times, “information media” have been used overwhelmingly often only for … Read more

The King’s Speech

My wife and I saw the movie The King’s Speech (the official site is here; also see here) a couple of days ago, and it was very moving. I knew the outline of the story, and have always had great admiration for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth for courageously staying in London during the … Read more