“Fantastic teacher. I was surprised when I went to his office and he devoted time daily to help me with problem areas personally. Not many would do so. He is very clear and gives many examples. I would definitely take his courses!”
We have programs for beginners, for students who are struggling, for students who are advanced and need enrichment, and for everyone in between.
Is your child struggling with math? We will devise an individual program to get your child back on track.
Is your child bored in class? We will devise an individual program to help your child get a jump start on college/university-level material, in preparation for higher education. Don’t let your children suffer through boredom in high-school courses that they get through with minimal effort; ensure that your children are challenged with advanced material, and practice the intensive study and learning skills that will help them succeed in college or university studies in whichever field they choose.
At the FoMaP we tailor programs for your personal needs, and each program is individually supervised by Dr. D’Agostino. The number of students taken on is limited so that each student receives regular individual attention.
Because each program is tailored to individual needs, it is impossible to list all possible programs. We serve students who are struggling and need help to get back on track, we serve students who are doing reasonably well and want to keep on track, and we serve advanced students who wish to accelerate their progress.
A focus of our work is helping to prepare high-school students for success in higher learning, but we also work with students who are already in college or university, or in elementary school. Because our programs are individually tailored, and individually supervised by Dr. D’Agostino personally, we have great flexibility in taking on students at any level and with a wide variety of needs.
Our goals are to help students on an individual basis to master as much mathematics as they need to ensure they are well-prepared for higher education and for their future careers, and to understand and master the learning process, so that they know how to succeed in all of their future endeavours. We do this by providing detailed guidance to students through individualized programs, within a warm, friendly, and supportive community of learners and teachers. We are all in this together, and we all work together to help each other reach our goals!
For more information about tutoring for your child, click on “Tutoring“.
Click here to read more about the pedagogical philosophy of FoMaP.